Monday, July 9, 2012


Act III does a complete 180* turn in the plot from where it was during even the beginning of the act. While in the beginning of the act the Doctor has all the men of the People's Messenger on his side, that quickly changes after Peter Stockmann pays them a visit. In the beginning of the act, when the Doctor shows up at the editorial office, he practically rallies the men (except for Aslaskan, who kept his usual skeptical demeanor) into printing anything he has to say about the Baths and all the impurities, saying he has 4 or 5 more of the original papers already sketched up in his head. After accomplishing this, he takes off with confidence in his mind of his message being sent through this paper. After he leaves, Peter shows up to speak with Hovstad, and ends up turning all of the men against Dr. Stockmann by showing him a farce, even though he is not. When the Doctor comes back to confirm his papers are in press, he discovers Peter was there and hid when he saw the Doctor coming. This is when he discovers that he no longer has the men of the People's Messenger helping him get his message out due to the influence the mayor had on them. Mrs. Stockmann shows up and upon realization of the men being turned against her husband, has a change of heart and decides to support him in getting his message out, and has also decided to let her sons and daughter help him in his cause. The other men don't believe he'll be able to accomplish what he hopes to accomplish, saying things like, "No, I'm damned if you will [find a man in town to go along with you]."
Flogging Molly - "Revolution"

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